"When a cause comes along and you know in your bones that it is just, yet refuse to defend it--at that moment you begin to die. And I have never seen so many corpses walking around talking about justice."
- Mumia Abu-Jamal
"I freed hundreds of slaves in my life time. I could have freed hundreds more if they had only known they were slaves."
- Harriet Tubman
The URL for this page is: www.rastaspeaks.com/tyehimba

Our Trip to Kenya
Eighteen of us from the University of the West Indies set out for Africa, the continent of beginnings, to spend a month in Kenya. Why Africa? For us in the Caribbean most of our interests have traditionally been focused on Europe and the United States.
Articles by Ras Tyehimba
The Pope and the Pan: Challenging Caribbean Inferiority and Cultural Prostitution
August 07, 2013
There was a picture recently of Pope Francis playing the Steelpan next to T&T president Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona who presented it to him as a gift. This picture was published by the media, several Steelpan websites and has made its way around various social media platforms.
Correcting Misconceptions About the Rastafari Movement
May 26, 2013
The article, 7 Misconceptions About Rastas and the Rastafari Movement, by an anonymous writer aimed to clear up misconceptions of the Rastafari movement but instead, perpetuated even more misinformation.
Kony 2012: Invisible Children and Visible Racism
March 08, 2012
The recent 30 minute documentary by a organisation called Invisible Children highlighted the activities of the organisation to stop Joseph Kony, leader of the infamous Ugandan Lord's Resistance Army. In quick time, the video went viral, being reposted across the net, as people passionately urged others to spread the 'awareness' and to 'stop Kony'... 'the World's worst war criminal'.
Failure of the Eurocentric Development Model
December 07, 2008
Many people agree that this country is in serious crisis. However, I find that many of these perspectives on the state of Trinidad and Tobago rarely touch on the roots of the issues, especially as they fail to recognize that many of the problems we face are built into the very fabric of Caribbean and Trinbagonian society.
Western Lies and Hypocrisy: How Zimbabwe Exposes Mainstream Media
July 20, 2008
The recent Zimbabwe elections saw an escalation of attempts by external forces to intervene in the sovereign and independent nation. Given the complex circumstances surrounding Zimbabwe, for the millions of people in the Caribbean and around the world, it has been difficult to get balanced views of what is going on; ever since the Zimbabwe government, under President Robert Mugabe, started to reclaim land that was stolen during British Colonial rule.
Distorting Zimbabwe: West Indies Cricket and Media Propaganda
July 03, 2007
The Express editorial of June 20th 2007, in arguing against a West Indies tour of Zimbabwe, describes Zimbabwe as an increasingly explosive place and adds that, "...there is another matter having to do with the legitimacy of the Mugabe-led government and the correct stance democratic nations in the world should adopt with respect to what continues to be a relentless assault on the human rights of not only politicians opposed to Mr. Mugabe but those of his own people."
Teach the Children the Truth
November 23, 2006
Last week I had the pleasure of addressing the students of Princess Town Senior Comprehensive on the relevance of African History to mark the school's celebration of African History Month this November. It is my perspective that the secondary school curriculum needs to be re-examined carefully in order to incorporate broader perspectives that are necessary for us to understand the different cultures that comprise this country.
Refuting the Myth of Adam and Eve
November 07, 2006
There is a lot of important information that though cannot be reasonably disputed, is not incorporated fully into the mainstream body of information that comes from mainstream media and the formal education system. One area of subjugated information has to do with the earliest beginnings of humanity.
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