Response from a Light-Skinned Man
I agree that blacks are discriminated against continually but from INI experience in life I have noticed that the darker people of INI race get the worst of it(In My Family, School, Work, and even in church). Like I said in INI post all are effected by racism at different degrees, especially when ones play into this complexion barrier.
Example, I am a light skinned brother with long locks, and INI appearance shows the opposition that I am in some way connected to INI roots, therefore I am discriminated against more than a light skinned brother/sister who chooses to play into this game of light is better. You see brother I experience racism first hand in INI workplace.
Example before I had locks and spoke INI mind freely the so called superiors on my job felt that he is brainwashed, therefore they came out of their mouths with racist comments, as if I was like the rest of the submissive brothers and sisters. But once I manifested INI true self and begin to stand as the true King that I am that is where the discrimination started.
So yes we all are effected, but if light/skinned and play into that light is the only beauty foolishness, you will still be affected by racism, but not as much as a dark or light brother/sister who stands up for who they truly are.