Meditation is listening to your (inner higher) self
The highest form of meditation is doing your best. By doing, applying oneself fully to each activity that is engaged, persons quiet their senses, and open themselves to the flow from the universal essence. Messages and guidance from the unconscious mind can then filter down into the conscious mind.
Many of our earliest ancestors deep in central Africa understood the principle of meditation well. This is what they lived. Their understanding stemmed in part from their observations of natural law, and the application of that law in their everyday lives. Meditation was not something they set apart time for, they automatically did this as a natural part of their survival. They meditated in each action and behavior that was undertaken. Clearly they gained a lot of benefits by doing their utmost best in everything they engage. Persons nowadays can also benefit by doing likewise.
Honesty, integrity and moral conduct is something that needs to be constantly worked at, in chipping away the inevitable corruption.

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