It was natural for early humans to experience non-physical life and see this reality represented in their day-to-day affairs. This is spirituality. Primitive people had a greater fear of dishonoring their elders and nature than losing their physical lives.
Oh how things have changed today.
Most people today have lost contact with this reality and will have to develop to recapture it. To develop to recapture this bond calls for a greater refinement of one's self. One has to become conscious to recapture the natural state in order to transcend to the super-natural.
This is the reason for the cycles of change: they are about people experiencing more of themselves through learning and adapting to change. The traumas of these cycles fragment people and the environment, forcing all to interact with the diverse manifestations of themselves through the diversity in nature.
One is only victorious when one becomes conscious of the reason for life, skillfully and mindfully engaging the whole.
The majority of people today suffer from deep-seated insecurities and fears, and are terrified of the instability of their environment and the future. They do not experience their bond with nature and are looking for stability and predictability solely in material things, but nature is not predictable to them and material things are always unstable. Therefore, by not engaging the deeper aspects of their lives alongside their day-to-day activities, people remain trapped in a vicious circle of entrapments and increasing insecurity.
The fact that people are fearful of change and are generally seeking stability is evidence of a latent memory of comfort and stability. This yearning for stability and peace comes from the innermost core of all living things, forever compelling them to seek it. But in order to become stable, people have to be willing to change.
In the annals of our human history, there were long periods of relative peace. These periods were disrupted by climatic and other environmental changes that forced people to migrate and adapt to different environments. Nature intended for humans to explore and adapt to the changes in environment in order to learn from and to become conscious of the self in its widest dynamics.
Primitive people realized that by remembering past experiences, they could prepare for future events.
So remembering the experiences of the past not only provided alternative land usage, but also allowed people to prepare for environmental changes, some of which were observed to occur in regular cycles. To survive, people had to develop methods of retaining historical information, so they passed them on through storytelling, music, dance, signs, symbols and later on through script-writing.
People also learned that by sharing experiences, they could prepare or be forewarned of 'disasters'. Nature was teaching humans the value of cooperation.
These are some of the lessons that nature teaches us. There are periods in history when people became conscious of these lessons, and it is these evolved people who left us the best insights into the workings of nature and the subatomic universe, which mirrors human interactions.
As primitive groups of people migrated, they maintained their ancestral bonds by remembering and passing on the values and lessons learned from their ancestors. This kept communities closely knit and aware of basic survival skills. History was an essential part of both present and future.
This is the foundation from which we all come, and which was disrupted, distorted, and generally neglected, in favor of a false value system.
Soon people may yearn to bridge the natural world with the supernatural universe.
People's earthly trod is about learning to reach a state of relative comfort with themselves here and now, so they can see truths as they come and can accept responsibility for actions or inactions, past and present, that contribute to infringing on the rights of others, where old prejudices can give way to reasonable assessments.
Thus history, or should I say one's comfort with the past, allows for a true interpretation of both the past and the present, as ones now seek to make the ultimate trod back to the future: to enter the Super-Natural Universe where the past, present, and future are one. History bridges one's personal self with the inner universal self. This is the ultimate reality, but only for those who yearn for it more than anything and everything on earth.

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